travelled from Clairvaux northwards across the open landscape of
Champagne - not that interesting to be honest as landscapes go.
The abbey is far less well known
than the cathedral, but very well worth visiting, and geared to visitors
and pilgrims. As at the cathedral it had a good guide book section,
rather as one would expect in England, but which is much less common in
France, and again had a cared for quality that is not always the
impression amongst French churches.
The shrine church of St
Remi, who baptised King Clovis in 496, the abbey was the repository of
the Sainte Ampoule until the reliquary was smashed in 1793. There is a
modern statue outside the present church depicting that momentous
baptism, and set in the remains of the earlier church.
of our party was concerned that St Remi was not wearing a maniple, until
we pointed out that the a baptism is outside the specific liturgy of
the Mass
present church is a very
fine, indeed noble building, which was consecrated by Pope Leo IX in
1049 during the meeting of the Council of Rheims, often seen as the
effective beginning of the Papal reform movement. Since then the choir
has been rebuilt in the late twelfth century and the vave extended
westwards by two bays at a similar date. The building was heavily damage
din the bombardment of 1918, and the middle largely blown away;
restoration was not completed until 1958. Looking at the building this
is not apparent, and the result is a tranquil and prayerful building that
bears witness to centuries of continuing piety. Behind the High Altar
is the shrine of St Remi - the structure is mostly nineteenth century work of 1847 but with
seventeenth century statues of the traditional
Twelve Peers of France. Here one could pray in front of the casket containing the relics of the saint.
The shrine of St Remi, looking west
Image: Wikipedia
were several medieval or later sculptures in the abbey of the baptism of Clovis, and it was consciously paired and linked to that of Christ. There is more about the
abbey in the online article with many links,
exterior of the church
is impressive -
a rich
array of flying buttresses at the eastern apse, and a fine
Flamboyant south transept front, but the west end is a little
disappointing, and the lack of a dominant tower or spire means the
building is not the landmark its architectural and historical importance
would justify.
The west front of St Remi
It was in similarly bright conditions that we saw the
We walked towards the cathedral along what was
once one
of the coronation processional routes. Today - well it is not The Mall
or Whitehall, or Edinburgh's Royal Mile - if anything it seemed more
like Oxford's Cowley Road.
The city centre seems rather drab -
small businesses in rather run down properties, larger blocks in a
Hausmann style and, near St Remi, modern buildings presumably replacing
post-1918 rebuilding. Really rather disappointing for so historic a city.
Nonetheless the cathedral was in sight, and then, then we rounded the
corner to enter the square in front of it...
As with the visit to
Cluny I had put forward the suggestion that we visit Rheims, which is
another place I have wanted to see
for fifty or more years. So now, at last, we were standing in the hot
late afternoon sun in front of Notre Dame of
Rheims, the coronation church of the King's of France, one of the great
monuments of thirteenth century French gothic art and architecture...
The west front of Rheims cathedral
This photograph gives some idea of the impact of our first sight of the building in the late afternoon sun - but no photograph does the cathedral justice
well one knows the west front from photographs or other pictures,
nothing prepares you for the impact of this great combination of
architecture and sculpture into one soaring, delicate, diffuse yet unified
Te Deum or
Magnificat. It is
truly awe-inspiring, going beyond other related facades I have seen such as Laon, Chartres and
Paris. This is
undoubtedly, to my mind,
one of the greatest artistic works of Man. As one
of our group said you could spend all day looking at the sculpture and
still at the end find something more to see and comment upon. I found
myself reduced to such
meaningless phrases as saying I had seen other great French west fronts but that this
really is something else ...
This is art and architecture calling you to worship and veneration. To
stand as we did in front of the cathedral was for me at least a
momentous experience.
The interior of the cathedral looking east
interior has a solemn grandeur befitting the importance of the see and
cathedral, and is of one consistant design, giving it a sense of unity.
It combines grandeur with an elegant simplicity and has spaciousness
that is largely uncluttered. Although busy with many visitors, they were
not enough to detract from the atmosphere of prayer - there were many
candle stands, aglow with votive lights, and the aisles had excellent
wall banners outlining the history of the building, begin in 1211, and
of the
Sacre, last held there in 1825 for King Charles X. I noted with interest that the canopy of the
archbishop's throne was hung in blue
semee with gold
fleur-de-lys. Is it a case of being prepared just in case?

Looking west down the nave
we looked at the sculpture of the portal of the north transept, which
includes one dorrway from an earlier building programme, before boarding
the bus, which Fr Jerome had very kindly gone back and driven up for
us. Time did not permit us avisit to the Palace of Tau which adjoins the
cathedral and has exhibitions about the history and treasures of this
great building. There is more about the cathedral and its history in the online article
Then it was off to a
supermarket on the edge of the city to buy food for a meal at the gite in Chamery and back there to cook and eat, and relax.