Once I was a clever boy learning the arts of Oxford... is a quotation from the verses written by Bishop Richard Fleming (c.1385-1431) for his tomb in Lincoln Cathedral. Fleming, the founder of Lincoln College in Oxford, is the subject of my research for a D. Phil., and, like me, a son of the West Riding. I have remarked in the past that I have a deeply meaningful on-going relationship with a dead fifteenth century bishop... it was Fleming who, in effect, enabled me to come to Oxford and to learn its arts, and for that I am immensely grateful.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

St Dwynwen

Today, apart from being the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul, is also that of the fifth century Welsh nun St Dwynwen. 

Now for those of you have have never, or even scarcely, heard of her that excellent journal Country Life has an article about her life and cult as the Welsh equivalent of St Valentine. In recent years the revival of interest in her had come to my attention, but when I used to stay in North Wales on holiday as a schoolboy in the 1960s she was never mentioned at all.

The story of St Dwynwen shows the perils attached to getting in the way of such a saint’s vocation and has similarities to the later, eighth century, story of St Frideswide here in Oxford and her pursuit by Algar of Leicester.

The informative article, which also looks at the intercession role of St Raphael based upon the Book of Tobit, can be read at Curious Question: Was St Valentine beaten to it by 1,000 years by the Welsh patron saint of love?


John R Ramsden said...

On holiday in North Wales in the 1960s? There are doubtless loads of places to stay, either commercial or with friends or relatives. But you didn't by any chance attend the PPSC summer camps at Porthdinllaen near Morfa Nefyn, run by one Basil Clarkson?

I was there myself for a couple of years, and thoroughly enjoyed them. But years later I learned that Basil had been a bit too friendly and cuddly for comfort in private with some of the younger boys, especially at bath times!

John Ramsden (jhnrmsdn@yahoo.co.uk)


Once I Was A Clever Boy said...

Mercifully I avoided such things. My visits to North Wales were family holidays with my widowed mother and involved a lot of visits to the great Edwardian castles.

Anonymous said...

Never went to the camps but went on 4 cruises on the Norfolk Broads in the early 60s and to one House Party at Avon Tyrrell in early 64. Great fun: taught me how to sail! The last camp in North Wales was in 79 and I happened to be passing but failed to renew my acquaintance!

Unknown said...

I too attended the camps inNorth Wales, but preferred the cruises on the Norfolk Broads where I learnt to sail on the Leading Ladies and Perfect Ladies sailing boats. Held at Easter the weather was frequently quite bitter, and once I recall coming upon deck one morning to find a few inches of snow had fallen. As I attended Bedford School, Bedford was also where Basil Clarkson lived. My father had attended PPSC camps before me and my grandparents knew Basil. I was therefore encouraged by my Grandmother to call round to his house and have tea with Basil. There was a lady present but I ant recall if she was a wife or housekeeper. As their teas were considerably better than school fare I went round several times. Happily nothing untoward happened and as I was a member of the schools printing club located in de Paris Avenue I helped print flyers for Basil regarding changes to the brochures for the PPSC. I am sad to see these stories about Basil Clarkson. He was always very decent to me.I don’t think he actually attended the Norfolk Broads cruises, but he definitely was present at Porthdinclaen in what must have been around 1974 or 75.

Michael De Vincentiis said...

I also attended both the camps and the Norfolk broads cruises in the mid to late seventies. Clarkson used to travel in a motor cruiser on the broad cruises.

Anonymous said...

I attended the ppsc camps for 3 years and loved them. Had no incidents.

Anonymous said...

I attended PPSC for 2 years around 1977 in mid Wales and loved them. Basil was always kind to me and I never directly experienced anything. However he was physical- arms around shoulders, a hand on you knee -that did not seem appropriate and I was wary of him being "too friendly"- a feeling shared by many boys. I trust my intuition so this curiosity suggested a search that led me here. I note a wider discussion and that the PPSC website has been taken down. We should always be careful of accusing people of things - rumours are ugly things and innocent things can be misconstrued but I do think its important that if people have direct experience of real abuse should share it as there may be others who are carrying that burden in isolation.

Anonymous said...

Alas the truth is that BC was a pedophile. He took a shine to me , he was someone I admired very much which is in the nature ot successful grooming. The thing that really gets to me fatet all these years is all the people who knew amd said and did nothing

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anonymous above. You have called this man what he was, a pedophile. Someone who groomed the young boys in his care with the intention of having sex with them.
I take exception John Ramsden in the posts above to your sentence of innuendos with an exclamation mark at the end. It seems as though you are trivialising his behaviour and the long lasting effects on many of us.
He was a clever man who put it all to evil intentions. And how did it continue for SO long without someone attempting to stop it? Am I bitter? Yes.
Thankfully there are many good people in this world. And I learnt something from the awful experience … evil happens when good people do nothing to stop it. In peace.

Anonymous said...

In the early 1970’s I attended several PPS Camps, Broads cruises, the Houseparty at Avon Tyrrell, also the dismantling and storage of the camp. I was molested by Clarkson, a man who I had looked up to, and I still remember vividly the instances in his tent. Yes, he took a shine to some boys and I, regrettably, was one of them. For decades I suffered the shame in silence, but, some years ago I reported the incidents to North Wales Police. It became apparent that there was, and still seems to be, a wall of conspiratorial silence and a reluctance to admit instances of abuse. Others knew, on reflection, of that I am sure. Police research found confirmatory accounts from others, but nobody prepared to go on the record and speak out. I do agree with Anonymous of 23/08/23; “…its important that if people have direct experience of real abuse should share it as there may be others who are carrying that burden in isolation.” as I still largely do.

Bob Jary said...

his Anot,her victim of Clarkson here.
I've just been revisiting my experience because of the publicity surrounding the Eiwerne camps and John Smythes abuses.
Those Christian camps have some nasty parallels to PPSC. Again boys drawn from public schools who were allegedly attractive and in some way vulnerable with problematic relationships with their fathers.
JB knew how to groom, he allowed me to pilot his motor launch on the broads, drive the lorry the last bit down the hill to the camp. I pretty much thought he was the best person I knew. Of course I wasn't going to throw all that away and speak to someone about what he did to me.
The spell broke eventually ,I began to question him, once asking if he would ever have a black or Asian boy to the camps , his reply was unsatisfactory, another thing PPSC and Iewerne have in common.
It wasn't long after that I was sitting in the big mess tent laughing in a crowd of boys, I had obviously upset him because from
behind, completely unexpectedly he punched me in the side of the head knocking me to the floor.
I can't remember how it happened but I was on a train home before my head had cleared .
I feel the worst thing he did to me was teach me that affection was transactional ,as a young person trying to work out where I was at with relationships, with affection with love, it was all messed up by him and what he wanted , and what he knew I would keep quiet about in my everlasting shame .

Anonymous said...

I went to Porthdinllaen 3 times in early 60s. Great memories

Anthony Clarke said...

I attended three PPSC summer camps in Portdinllaen in the mid 70s and one at Loughanelteen near Sligo in '79. At 17 in 1981 I also helped repair the ground after the summer with others and we ate at Basil and Norma Clarkson's table.

My older brother Danny had been at the camps in North Wales before me and had loved it. For me, PPSC was a positive and formative experience all round and I remember days of freedom, fun and adventures with new friends.

So my own memories are of precious times, but I have been greatly saddened to hear some of these comments and how some boys were abused and affected. I had previously commented on the unofficial 'PPSC' website and I wondered what had been said that caused it to be closed. The reason is clearer now and I think it is important that these things are said out loud. So thank you for leaving this opportunity open to air.

'JBC' was a larger than life character from another era and PPSC literally revolved around him. I spoke to him many times. He could be quietly amused, entertaining, opinionated, sometimes overbearing and yes, he was the type to put an arm around a boy in an ostensibly 'fatherly' way. But I never saw, heard of or experienced any inappropriate behaviour myself. He was always engaging and decent with me. I just thought he was eccentric.

I am a catholic and attended a Benedictine school in London that later had explosive revelations about pedophile monks, some of whom had taught me. One that had beaten me on numerous occasions, for sometimes trivial reasons, served 8 years for what he had done to others. But again, I was never propositioned or abused myself and was not aware of any actual inappropriate behaviour to other boys. They must have been keeping things to themselves. If it wasn’t for a brave few going public, these men would have got away with what they had done.

But I will treasure my own fond memories and consider that maybe someone was looking out for me.

Tony Fordyce said...

I went to PPSC for several years, probably 1963 to 1968, and once to one of the winter reunions, but somewhere up North (we took the train to Carnforth, I seem to remember), not to Avon Tyrrel. I got to know Basil quite well, as on several occasions I travelled up to Morfa Nefyn with him (in his extremely elderly Army truck) and helped put the camp up (the Advance Party, I think it was called) but I guess I wasn't his type, so never experienced anything untoward at first hand. However, it was fairly well-known that he invited various boys to have a hot bath in his hut, a luxury compared with the alternative chilly showers, which, in retrospect, suggests there was no smoke without fire.

Coming from a school, and at a time, where there were regular prayers, hymn-singing and sermons, the religious background (or excuse?) of the camps didn't really hit me until my last year at the camps, when I was invited to be an Assistant Tent Leader. As a result, I attended some of the morning meetings, where Basil, the Commandant (Commie), the Adjutant (Adjie) and other officers gathered. At one of those, one of the speakers said something like "We have to remember we are in this world, not of it", and I thought (exuse the language) "How arrogant is that, fuck that for a game of soldiers", and didn't join up!

By my last year at PPSC, Basil had 'married' Nora, a formidable Irish lady of similar build to his own (the word obese was not much used in those days, but it certainly applied). Nora had been a regular at the camps for many years - the catering side was handled exclusively by women.

All in all, I had a great time at the camps. Set in a beautiful location, multiple opportunities for sports and other outdoor activities, excellent food and company. They took place in a much more innocent era.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for speaking up. Very brave. I can confirm the rumours as being true. As I was also a victim back in the late 50s. The bath and The Tent . Does anyone remember other Staff who were also involved as I can recall person or persons whose name I remember being nearby .