I have just read this post from Fr Tim Finigan about the appointment of the Bishop of Nottingham as the new Archbishop of Liverpool: Congratulations to Bishop McMahon.
Bishop McMahon presides at Solemn Vespers in Merton Chapel in 2007
Image: blogs.telegraph.co.uk
I have not actually met Bishop Malcolm, but I have attended EF Masses he has celebrated at St James Spanish Place and at St Etheldreda's Holborn in London and was at the Merton conference to which Fr Tim refers in his post with its Solemn Pontifical Vespers at which he presided. This appointment should be seen as reassuring to those interested in traditional liturgical practice in the life of the Church.
I know the Bishiop's name was one that was suggested by some commentators as a possible candidate for Westmisnter at the last vacancy, but that proved not to be the case. Given his known concern for matters of social policy Liverpool may well be the ideal place for him to serve as diocesan and metropolitan.
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