Today is Candlemas and the New Liturgical Movement has a contribution from Peter Kwasniewski comparing, and indeed contrasting, the Candlemas ceremonies in the Traditional Roman Rite and those set out in the Missal of Pope Paul VI. The illustrated post is a valuable contribution to the continuing discussion of these matters, and makes for thoughtful reading and reflection upon the liturgical changes made in the 1960s. It can be read at A Comparison of the Old and New Blessing of Candles on Candlemas,
The Presentation in the Temple
Regensburg, 1030-40
Image: J Paul Getty Museum
Given the current circumstances it was very good ( until the signal failed...grrr ) to be able to watch live the EF Sung Mass from the FSSP in Warrington this lunchtime. Having read Dr Kwasniewski’s article yesterday and also recalling serving on at least one occasion here in Oxford at a traditional Candlemas liturgy, watching the Mass brought out the points he wrote about very well.

The Presentation in the Temple
Giovanni do Paulo ( 1398-1482 ) 1447
Siena Pinocoteca Nazionale
Image: Oblates of St Joseph
Candlemas is a feast I have always enjoyed and when I came to Oxford I was to find two new and important reasons to observe the celebration. My college Oriel observes Candlemas as its patronal feast and it was doubtless for that reason that St John Henry Newman founded the English Oratorian community on this day in 1848. He had become an Oratorian as the character of St Philip’s foundation reminded him of his time as a Fellow of Oriel. This evening I had to watch the Oratory Mass for the feast online as the church is temporarily closed because of the coronavirus.
A happy Candlemas to you all.
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