My last post was about historical costume based on records from the thirteenth century. Before moving on to other topics, and quite by chance, I came upon a video about historic dress as it is so often misrepresented by film and television makers from the Welsh Viking. Its creator is an archaeologist and a re-enactor of early mediaeval military life. Those of his videos I have seen are well researched and informative.
His latest one was inspired by the forthcoming television series.”King and Conqueror” about the events of 1066, and revolves around the two central figures of King Harold II and King William I. Based upon a series of pre-transmission photographs the Welsh Viking proceeded to do one of the most devastating critiques of the costumes assigned to the leading characters. Indeed it was a veritable hatchet job on the production values, worthy of any combatant at Stamford Bridge or Hastings.
The numerous comments from online viewers are entirely supportive of what he is saying about the glaring errors in the costumes and armour of the characters. I certainly felt, had I ever been inclined to watch the series, that it definitely is not worth it.
The video can be seen at The Costuming in "King and Conqueror" Looks Terrible. Like, Really Terrible.
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