Once I was a clever boy learning the arts of Oxford... is a quotation from the verses written by Bishop Richard Fleming (c.1385-1431) for his tomb in Lincoln Cathedral. Fleming, the founder of Lincoln College in Oxford, is the subject of my research for a D. Phil., and, like me, a son of the West Riding. I have remarked in the past that I have a deeply meaningful on-going relationship with a dead fifteenth century bishop... it was Fleming who, in effect, enabled me to come to Oxford and to learn its arts, and for that I am immensely grateful.

Friday 17 May 2024

Marian Pilgrimage - Our Lady on Wakefield Bridge

The Pilgrimage now returns to Yorkshire and the remarkable survival that is the Chantry Chapel of Our Lady on Wakefield Bridge. Like Edmund Waterton I have more than a passing interest - pun intended - about the small chapel on the bridge into and out of Wakefield. 

I explain this and give a quite detailed account of the Chapel in my first post about it in 2020. That can be viewed at Our Lady on the Bridge at Wakefield

May Our Lady of Wakefield Bridge pray for The King and all the Royal Family and for us all

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