Monday 20 May 2024

An apology regarding the delay to the Marian Pilgrimage

Regular readers will have seen that I did not post yesterday or today. This is because eatly on Pentecost morning at about 3am after a shockingly viivid nightmare experience which I was attempting to understand I collapsed suddenly in my living room. Very fortunately I did not fracture my arthritic hips, or anything else, but I spent much of the next five or so hours wriggling across the floor to a chair to try to haul myself up, without final success. At 8.20am I phoned for help from the property manager and she called the paramedics. Since then I have been in hospital, Thr suggestion is that I was suffering from an infection which is now hopefully clearing.

Hospital gives one a lot of time in bed but it is not conducive to writing up these posts. Once I am home I wil resume these Marian posts, so the Pilgrimage will extend into June. At least none of us are attempting to do the Pilgrimage physically on the assigned day!


  1. Dear John.

    Thank you for the explanation of the missing Marian Posts. However, delighted you are now getting professional attention. Enjoy the rest.

    We will await continuation of Marian Posts as and when you have recuperated.

    in Domino

  2. Wishing you a speedy recovery…

  3. Dear Professor: I thought this article might be helpful. At least get a test to check for a vitamin D deficiency. Hope this helps. I personally take about 18,000 IUs a a day. It’s helped me to move my right thumb, which was crushed in a construction accident, with much greater ease and no pain. It’s become almost as supple as when I was in my 30s when my accident happened!

  4. @Anonymous 18,000 IUs is an absurdly large and potentially dangerous daily dose of Vitamin D! You'll likely end up with kidney stones, or more serious kidney problems, fatigue, and mental issues such as depression and confusion, cardiac arrhythmia, even a heart attack, among other symptoms. You really shouldn't take more than 4000 UIs a day.

    @John Sorry to hear about your nightmare and fall. Could it have been a mini-stroke? Have you recently stopped taking some kind of pill? The brain sometimes reacts to a sudden withdrawal of a drug by conjuring up a frightful nightmare! Even though unsettling, it's nothing to worry about, just chemicals playing up!

    You don't strike me as the type to be a heavy drinker, far from it, but I find if I have overindulged in alcohol at the weekend, then I must wet my whistle with a couple of bottles of beer on Monday before remaining teetotal for the rest of the week. Otherwise I'll be treated to a Breugelian nightmare, which is just my brain saying "Where's my booze?!" Anyway, I hope you make a speedy and full recovery.


    John R Ramsden

    ( )

  5. @Anonymous - I did a bit of digging, to check my facts.

    In a 2018 paper "Vitamin D Toxicity - A Clinical Perspective", available at

    one finds:

    "Acute toxicity would be caused by doses of vitamin D probably in excess of 10,000 IU/day, which result in serum 25(OH)D concentrations >150 ng/ml (>375 nmol/l). That level is clearly more than the IOM-recommended UL of 4,000 IU/day."

    So there we are - I was correct!


    John R Ramsden

  6. Hoping you're making progress and recovering well!🙏

  7. If anyone personally acquainted with John wants to know how he is getting on then I believe, based on where he lives and assuming he is still in hospital having been admitted there as an emergency, that this hospital is most likely Charing Cross Hospital (Phone number +4420 3311 1234)

    I had half a mind to phone myself and enquire, but not knowing him personally I felt this would perhaps be slightly intrusive. Also, no doubt he will update us himself in his own good time, assuming (as one hopes) that he is making a steady recovery.


    John R Ramsden

    P.S. If you do phone then to elicit any information it may be necessary to tell a little white lie and say you are a relative!

  8. Praying an Ave for your speedy recovery. God bless you!
