Sunday 30 April 2023

Coronation commentary pieces

In the plethora of often poorly prepared, endlessly repetitive, or plain ill-informed coverage in the media of the lead up to the Coronation, together with the sometimes saccharine and trivial and, alas, the sometimes actively or passively hostile, it is a relief, and indeed a reassurance, to come upon pieces that are mentally stimulating and positive, as well as grounded in serious reflection.

Two such are Britain needs King Charles the Weird by Aris Roussinos on the UnHerd and Ritual, not pageantry by Francis Young on that of The Critic

David Starkey has produced some Coronation themed videos. I would particularly recommend King Charles' Coronation: Why it matters!

In this recent address to a group in Kent Dr Starkey is on his usual good form and seeks, very rightly, to get his hearers to see the importance of the Monarchy as both sacral and contractual - both in the past and also now.

I might, as a medievalist, query aspects of one or two of his arguments but the talk is as lively and intellectually provocative as one has come to expect from him. He has given himself a broad canvas which on which he works with considerable skill. It is well worth watching.

Allan Barton - The Antiquary has put together a whole series of videos about the Coronation which are very well worth looking at. As relatively short pieces looking at a theme or an object they provide a wealth of information which helps to prepare for the complex and powerful symbolism we shall see on May 6th.
Look him up on YouTube and sample some or all of his Coronation videos. 


  1. I just wanted to drop a note and let you know how much I've been enjoying your blog. For some unknown reason I was looking up the House of Braganza and stumbled across your site.So many fascinating subjects, one hardly knows where to begin. I thought I'd write and let you know how much I'm enjoying it.
    Kathy Gori

  2. Thank you very much. It is good to know my efforts are appreciated!

  3. They are! I seem to disagree with you about most things (particularly the coronation, since as a staunch republican I'm afraid I'm inevitably in the "hostile" camp!), but I like to look through your blog too. It's always good to get a breadth of viewpoints!

    Jonathan H

  4. Well, we shall have to agree to disagree, but thank you for reading my reflections.
