Wednesday 13 July 2022

An update on the Vikings

As so often happens a story or stories relating to a story I have written about here on the blog are often followed within days by reports of new discoveries or interpretations of the subject have just posted about. This has happened again in respect of Viking age finds.

The Mail Online site has a report about the discovery by a Norwegian woman of a gold ring from the period 400-800 amongst a collection of modern costume jewellery. It also links to the suggested identification of King Harald Bluetooth’s burial site which I posted about in Locating King Harald Bluetooth and also to the latest suggested site for a Viking settlement in what is now New Brunswick. These three topics are all covered in Gold ring worn by a Viking chief found in a pile of costume jewelry

This report also links to their previous account of the mound at Wiejkowo and to related discoveries from the reign of King Harald Bluetooth and that can be seen at Burial mound of 'Bluetooth Viking king' is FOUND

1 comment:

  1. That's a wonderful find, and if she did indeed spot the gold ring tucked away half hidden in that photograph (as opposed to buying the selection and finding it) then she must have eyesight like a vulture, and be able to solve "Where's Wally?" type problems at a glance!

    I've bagged various bargains in charity shops in recent years, including a vast three-seater Knole sofa worth several thousand pounds which I bought for £150, an antique Albanian carriage clock ditto for £200. I have a huge collection of brass and cut glass knick-knacks, but am finding these are now, sadly, increasingly rare in charity shops.

    I feel not the least bit guilty about apparently profiting from charity shops, because I don't buy things to sell on but but to keep and enjoy, and sometimes to make practical use of, such as a huge assortment of bottle openers and corksrews of various designs and a host of other kitchen gadgets!

    I've not spotted any gold Viking rings yet, more's the pity, but did buy a large toasting fork which the shop owner swore dates from the time of King John, although I'm not sure how he could possibly have known that!

    John R Ramsden
