Thursday 4 November 2021

Rorate Caeli faces down Cardinal Cupich

Rorate Caeli is a traditionally minded website that expresses itself trenchantly about events in the Church, and does so very well indeed in its latest post in which it dissects, not to say eviscerates, a letter from Cardinal Cupich of Chicago about the implementation of Traditionis Custodes. It does, incidentally, once more make me grateful for not living in the jurisdiction of prelates such as His Eminence of Chicago.

To return to Rorate Caeli … the article takes the Cardinal’s points apart and makes for a forceful justification for not, if humanly possible, going along with the approach, and the attitude, that is displayed. I was particularly struck by its comments about the status of various Catechisms and how they are not superseded by others. It also reiterates why exactly Pope Benedict XVI issued Summorum Pontificum and what his intention was.

The article, which is, if you will pardon the pun, eminently worth looking at, can be read at An Unwanted “Gift” from Cardinal Cupich

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