Friday 9 October 2020

St John Henry Newman

This is the first occasion on which we can celebrate the Feast of St John Henry Newman. His canonisation last year marked the culmination of a long process of prayer, study and mobilisation of the sensus fidelium

The current situation means alas that not all that is usually done to mark his day is possible in Oxford this year - no Night Walk to Littlemore along the route taken by Bl. Dominic Barberi last night for example. Two of the three evenings this week I have been able to attend the Oratory’s preparatory Triduum prayers only through Livestream - but one is so grateful that has been a benevolent consequence of the virus. However I shall be going to the sung Solemn Mass at the Oxford Oratory this evening when the Abbot of Farnborough will preach.

I feel that St John Henry has accompanied me on my spiritual journey for many years, assisting in my course into the one fold of the Redeeemer. May he continue to accompany me, and many others, as we journey o’er moor and fen.

St John Henry Newman Pray for us
St John Henry Newman Pray for me

1 comment:

  1. Next year the the day will be better, and will be kept better. But it is good he is finally raised to the Altars.
