Friday 3 October 2014

The latest views on the Franciscans of the Immaculate

I know from my blog statistics that many readers respond to any coverage of the ongoing situation around the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Here, in case you have missed them, are the two most recent posts from Rorate Caeli on the FFI:

Totalitarian Dictatorship in the Franciscans of the Immaculate: Pontifical Commissioner Illegally Suspends Without Due Process Six Friars Who Sought Shelter

"Friars of the Immaculate in peace: the Peace of the Cemeteries" And Tosatti connects the dots: is this why the Friars are so loathed now?

I have no personal knowledge of the inner workings of this investigation, and New Catholic on Rorate Caeli has a definite stance on the situation. The souces cited appear to be well informed. Others may have different views. What is clear is that this crisis for the Order is doing nothing but harm to the wider aims of the Church and Papacy amongst a considerable number of the faithful. Ending this running sore quickly can at least clarify what is going on, and make it possible for people to assess the realities of the issues raised in this visitation.

Some of the comments on Fr Blake's recent post Investigatons  do, perhaps, provide one hermeneutic of interpretation of the situation.




1 comment:

  1. It's clear to any person of reason and goodwill that the FFI is being persecuted for upholding the Faith, for having growing vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and conversions to the One, Holy, Apostolic and unchanging Faith. Blessed Michael protect us in battle . . .
