Friday 27 September 2013

Happy landings

Yesterday Fr Daniel Seward, the Provost of the Oxford Oratory, and Br Oliver Craddock, the youngest member of the community. made a sponsored parachute jump to raise funds for the Oratory Appeal. Happily they landed safe and sound, and thereby raised at least £9915.55  for the fund - hopefully more money will come in over this coming weekend. There are pictures of their descent to earth and a report on the Oratory website at Skydiving Success.

Their secure landing was better than that of a previous aerobatic religious, the eleventh century Flying Monk of Malmesbury - not however that in his case two broken legs appear to have discouraged Eilmer from planning future attempts, as can be read here

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Fr. Daniel and Br. Oliver, great jumps!
    Thanks John for sharing the Oratory website, always intesresting to stop by and see what you come up with (again and again)! I'll have to check the Flying Monk of Malmsbury' story! Again, thanks!
