Tuesday 25 September 2012

Amiens at night

Writing about Amiens cathedral earlier reminded me that I had on file these pictures of the west front as it can be seen at night, when an idea of the original colour scheme of its painted statuary can be re-created by modern technology.

None of the great thirteenth century French Cathedrals has been repainted, but Amiens Cathedral offers its visitors a hint of its original beauty. On summer nights and special occasions, spotlights and lasers are projected at the façade, bathing the ornaments and statuary in bright colours.


Images amyinberlin
I also found on YouTube two short film sequences that give an idea of the spectacle Amiens affords on these occasions, and a reminder of just what medieval worshippers and pilgrims saw as they approached and entered the cathedral of Notre Dame:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this! Gives a new dimention to Gothic.

    James Morgan
    olympia WA
