Tuesday 3 July 2012

Hugh Capet and the establishment of his dynasty

Today is the 1025th anniversary of the coronation of Hugh Capet as King of the Franks - Rex Francorum - at Noyon following his election to the throne. With his accession and coronation his family, the Capetians, became the rulers of France, and all the subsequent Kings have been his descendants, whether designated as Capetian, Valois or Bourbon by historians and genealogists.

A 12th century portrayal of Hugh Capet

Image: Wikipedia

The success of the family in transmitting the Crown directly in the male line from father to son until 1316 is no mean achievement in terms of human biology: in political terms it ensured the creation and maintenance of the French monarchy and nation. The events of 987 were to prove crucial to the later history of France.

There is an online biography of King Hugh here.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting fact that Capet in Hugo capet's name was not the part of his real name, just a kind of nickname http://www.fampeople.com/cat-hugo-capet
