Monday 11 June 2012

Oxford Corpus Christi procession

Yesterday afternoon there was the Oxford Corpus Christ procession through the city centre. As has, it seems, become customary, I was once again a marshal, suitably equipped with a flourescent yellow overjacket - the Brotherhood of the Luminous Coat as a fellow Marshal described us.

Led by Bishop William Kenney the occasion drew, as usual, a large number of clergy and religious and laity to escort the Blessed Sacrament from the Oratory to Blackfriars, with a sermon from the Bishop, and on to the concluding rite of Benediction at the University Chaplaincy.


Image:Oxford Oratory

The Oxford Oratory website has an illustrated report at
Corpus Christi Procession 2012 which gives a good impression of the afternoon's progress.

The successful revival of apublic Corpus Christi procession in Oxford since 2000 shows that these things can be achieved, and become once again part of the devotional and public life of Catholics.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that when I was there! Thanks for posting this!
