Saturday 21 April 2012

Happy Birthday, Your Majesty

Today is the birthday of Her Majesty The Queen, and an occasion upon which to express loyalty and greetings to her.

This year of her Diamond Jubilee is one that will see, and is already witnessing, the respect and affection in which she is held by her subjects. Such feelings are difficult to analyse in our society, or in past ones. What is clear is an immense respect for her professionalism in the exercise of monarchy - even moderately crtical or sceptical voices concede that. For those of us who emphatically beleive in the monarchical principle both here, and in other countries, she does indeed typify those phrases sometimes glibly overworked, but still crucial, phrases like dedication and faithfulness. Those are skills which are there by ancestry, skill and discipline, and as peopel were pointing out in February at the time of the anniversary of her accession, she has provided the still centre for sixty very complex years for this country and her other realms. We have a very great deal to thank God for in our Sovereign, and a very great deal to thank her for in her life and example.

Happy birthday, Ma'am!


Long may she reign. Long live the Queen!

1 comment:

  1. A very nice post for a very grand lady!
    Thank you for sharing as usual very interesting thoughts!
