Monday 14 June 2010

New Blogs

Browsing through the internet continues to turn up interesting blogs. I came across Le Fleur de Lys too recently. This is devoted, as its name suggests, to the French Royalist cause, in the person of King Louis XX rather than King Henri VII, and has some very interesting posts. I thought it a little unfair in picking up a Daily Mail report on the Prince of Wales' recent speech here in Oxford on Islam and the Environment, which sounds to have been innocuous enough, whilst discussing important ideas - but some people seem , quite unfairly, to take issue with whatever the Prince says or does. That aside the blog is very good and informative.

I also came across Supremacy and Survival which deals with English Reformation and recusant history. This follows a pattern of an anniversary of the day for its postings and has some good reminders of the events of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in particular - though today's is about G.K. Chesterton who died on June 14 1936. The postings about the Reformation era do raise a number of those what-might-have-been questions, which give one pause for thought.

I have added both to the blogroll.


  1. I apprieciate your visit to my blog. I hope you will continue to look at it from time to time.

    My hope for Prince Charles is to be a good and Christian King.

    I am but one of many American Monarchists.

    Dieu Sauve le Roy!

  2. Many thanks for acknowledging my comments. Your blog is splendid, and serving a noble cause. Vive le Roy!
